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Phone Number

Where is your phone number? 

    We get this question a lot, so hopefully we can clear this up.  We're a small Mom & Pop business.  On a daily basis we get close to 300 emails with questions about our products.  When we did have a phone number listed, the average chat time per call was 11 minutes.  You can imagine that if all of those emails every day were instead a phone call, we would have to talk on the phone about 3,300 minutes a day, which is 55 hours.  So assuming that there are 8 hours in a day, we would have to hire 7 people to answer the phones.  7 people cost a lot of money, and we would definitely have to increase the price of our holsters to cover all of that extra labor.


     Instead we use an online customer support program that allows us to sort enquiries quickly and respond to many of the same repeat questions with prepared answers.  This basically allows one person (working hard) to do the work of seven.  It also means that if that one person steps away from customer support, a second person can continue to help a customer since all of the previous correspondance is right there to see.  This might frustrate or anger you as a customer and we're sorry.  At the moment we just can't afford to hire 6 more people and we feel that raising our prices works great when times are good, but since we're all pinching pennies then this is how we keep prices down.